Saturday, 18 March 2017

Preliminary Task

Testing camera shots

Story Board

City of God - Re-Draft of mock exam - By Louis Liburd

Analysis of online survey result - By Louis Liburd

Are you a male or female?
From this question we learnt that 83% of the people were male and the other 17% were female. This information was really important, as it allowed us to create our film idea purely based off of our audience.  Due to these statistics we decided to do an Action/Thriller which would definitely entertain 83% of our viewers.

Where do you prefer to watch films?
The answers I received from this question really shocked me, coming from a family that still to this date prefers to experience a movie within a cinema.  I learnt that 100% of my viewers would rather watch a film at home rather than going to a cinema.

How do you find out about a film?
I learnt that 20%  of the people find out about a film from the internet and from posters.  Whilst 60% find out from trailers either at the cinema or on television.

What makes you want to watch a film?
The results we received from this were, 40% famous cast, 40% storyline, and 20% good trailer. These figures were really insightful, as it made me realise that the short films plot had to intrigue the audience.  As we are students, we don't have access to famous actors to bring there own following to our film.  So for the opening sequence of our film "Suspect", we made sure that the plot caught the the audiences attention.

What is your favourite genre?
The viewers most liked genre was a comedy with a percentage of 60%, whilst the genres action and romance only received 20% each.  Surprisingly the thriller genre received 0%, which really shocked me as i expected it to be much higher.  Even though it received 0% I saw it as a challenge to persuade my viewers to the genre of a thriller.  This is why our film called "suspect" is an action/thriller.

Which of these actors make you want to watch a film?
Due to peoples answer to the genre question, there answer to this was not a surprise to me.  80% percent of the people chose Will Smith because of his comedic nature, whilst 20 percent chose Leonardo DiCaprio.  And very surprisingly none of them chose Denzel Washington and Brad Pitt.

How many times do you watch a film in a month?
40% of the people watched 1-3 and 4-6 movies a month, whilst 20% watched 7-9.  I learned from these statistics that simply our viewers enjoy movies as none of them said they watched 0 movies a month.

Poll Results - By Louis Liburd

Are you male or female?

What ethnicity are you?

How do you find out about films?

What makes you want to watch a film?

 What is your favourite genre?

Which of these actors make you want to watch a film?

 How many times do you watch a film in a month?

Analysing title opening sequences 2 - By Louis Liburd


In the opening sequence the audience feels a sense of excitement and uncertainty.  As the picture behind the iconic font of batman  is unclear.  All you can see is rock, which then later appears to be carved as the batman symbol.  This causes the audience to automatically fill out the blanks during the scene, this leads to anticipation.  The tracking shot of the land behind accompanied by the iconic batman theme song score, makes the audience re live there childhood.  The darkness accompanied by uncertainty through out creates an ominous feeling , causing the viewer to feel a sense of nostalgia.

Enter the void opening sequence

In the opening title sequence of enter the void the audience feels a sense of the atmosphere of Tokyo.  They see a one of the things that define Tokyo which is the flashing lights and really tall buildings, you see the artistic view and expression of the a bit of the city.  The diegetic sound of the conversation relates to exploring death and "entering the void".   The pivot mid shot effectively shows the atmosphere and relates to the characters.  It gives off a dreamy vibe emphasising a trip from reality.